Saturday, February 12, 2011

12WBT - 11/02/11

Yay!  Friday!  Everyone loves Fridays.  Well.  Maybe not everyone.  There's bound to be someone who doesn't ;)

It was a strange day in the office.  Nobody wanted to work - including me...and my manager...and one of the other managers.  So, what did we do?  We talked for a couple of hours - shooting the breeze.  Talking shite mainly ;)  It was great!  Part of it was due to half of the office not being in for whatever reason.  I could do with more days like that - except for the fact that I had an interview at 4pm, ending my excitement at the prospect of leaving at 3pm.  *grump*   It's all good though :)

Had a PT session when I got home.  Not literally when I got home - but just after.  Was meant to be at 5.30 but I didn't leave work until 5.20 and by the time I got home and changed and then walked up to the gym it was 5.45.  Oopsies.  It was a good session.  I enjoyed it.  Weights & cardio.  PT, at one point, told us to go and find two things to use in a circuit.  I chose my towel and water bottle.  She did not approve (but thought I was funny - I was being serious though).  A few new things to do, which I found easy - so not telling her that because when I do, she makes them harder.  Have learnt that one the hard way - lol

My nose was still put out of joint with my weigh-in the other morning (even though I figured the scales were wrong!).  Jumped on them again this morning and, lo and behold, my weight was 86kg.  Hmm.  Before going to bed, just after my shower, I jumped on again.  86.1kg.  Right.  I tried again.  86.1kg.  Gotta be something in it?  I'll see what they say next Weds, huh?

Breakfast: protein today - boiled egg & chicken
Snack: boiled egg
Lunch: leftover chickpea curry (leftovers are great: (a) no need to think about halving recipes and (b) saves time with the faff of making something for lunch)
Dinner: chicken salad (onion, rocket, grilled chicken, tomato, feta, roasted capsicum) and ... chips

45min PT session at the gym.  Can't give the HR info as, even though I was wearing it, I forgot to press start.  Dumbass!

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