Tuesday, April 5, 2011

12WBT - 04/04/11

Today started with me being generous.  I donated blood.  First time I've done that over here (first time since I left the UK that I've given - and I never gave when I was in NZ, go figure!).  Deffo a good cause - if you haven't given in a while (or at all), get in touch with them and do so now.

Australian Red Cross Blood Service - go on, what have you got to lose???
Granted, it took me two hours - by the time I filled in the paperwork, had the interview and waited around (it's reassuring, though, to have to wait because there are so many people there giving freely).  I didn't mind - it was two hours of work time...and I got a milkshake and a muffin out of it ;)

When I got back to the office it was back to emails and phone calls.  Bah.  Why do we have to work for a living - can't someone else do it for me so I can do other things?  Really! ;)  Come the afternoon, though, I felt a bit...light-headed (moreso than normal).  The moral of this story is to ensure you keep the fluids up after giving blood - haha.

Because of this light-headedness, I didn't go up to the spin class :(  Instead, I opted for a 40 minute walk - which ended just before the skies opened.  I managed to get back home in a light drizzle.  Phew!

Breakfast: puffed rice, linseed etc, raspberries, Jalna yoghurt with cinnamon
Lunch: salad (spinach, canned chicken, four bean mix)
Dinner: ham & brie with couscous

40 minute evening stroll.

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